Vacation Bible School: Crocodile Dock

I had originally filmed and edited this video as a proud dad. The camera focuses quite a bit on my daughters, Autumn and Cynthia, in the following footage. Seeing them lead those little ones in worship really touched me deep on the inside. I’m such a blessed father! My girls are so special and dear to me.

Anyhow, as I was tagging this same video in Facebook earlier today, I was noticing how many STUDENTS were serving at the event. It definitely was not limited to just my girls. I’m so excited to see that so many of you answered to call to serve the children of our neighborhood and Destiny. Great job guys! You are my heroes…

Video enclosure: “Vacation Bible School 2009”

0 thoughts on “Vacation Bible School: Crocodile Dock

  1. Michelle Verbeck
    Michelle Verbeck says:

    I too thank all the youth who served – they were an ENORMOUS blessing!!! (Awesome video Pastor Shawn!)

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