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I have been doing graphics design work — editing videos and building websites — my whole adult life as part of different roles in ministry and work with various organizations over the years. After having been asked to do several freelance projects, I have decided to offer my services more broadly. The last couple of weeks I have been working on setting up — basically a landing page for anyone wanting to hire me for graphics design, web, or digital storytelling work.

Shoup \ shop \ 1: to hunt through a market in search of the best buy  2: a handicraft establishment  3: Shawn’s last name


How original, I know. (grin) The idea was actually inspired by my brother who is already running a successful graphics design business on the east coast. Check him out at The

This won’t be a full-time endeavor, but a side-project that I’ll pursue with excellence. Please stop by and check it out.

Please do me a favor by liking and following my social profiles (Facebook here and Twitter here) and help us spread the word!

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