Daddy Bird: Kella’s Short Story
My daughter Kella is pretty special. She is ten years old right now.
Last night, Deanna went to Kella’s 4th grade parent-teacher conference and brought home this short story that she had written for an assignment. It made us both cry.
We are constantly blown away by the way Kella crafts her words. Mr. Garcia plans to nominate her for the gifted and talented writing class next year.
Daddy Bird
by Mikella Shoup

My dad and I are riding around Erie on a nice autumn day. Then, out of nowhere, I notice a soft, loud, beautiful, and wonderful sound running through the gentle breeze. I slow down to hear the sound better, and then I stop at the park.
“Let’s take a break,” I tell my dad anxiously.
“Okay,” my dad says, relieved for a break. He sits down while I wander around the park anxiously. I suddenly hear the pretty sound again. Then I see a lovely yellow bird skipping nicely from branch to branch happily as it sings the lovely sound I’ve wanted to hear. It dances a ballet while singing its gorgeous song again and again. I just love that marvelous symphony racing in and out of my ears.
“Hmmmmm!” sings the bird. “Blummmmmmm!” hums the bird. I love its dazzling music and its yellowish-orange body. I like its orange beak. It has clear-ish claws. It has lovely soft feathers that shed from its body, and its perfectly spread-out wings glow in the sun. The bird looks so glamorous, perfect, and dazzling!
That marvelous yellowish-orange bird reminds me of my dad because, first of all, he is the one who brought me here to see things like this bird. Second, he likes the color orange, and the bird is yellowish-orange. Thirdly, the bird is handsome, like my dad. But the most important thing of all is that the bird sings gracefully, just like my dad.
The bird hums, but my dad sings words. To me, that humming sound is music and words that only birds — and some people — can understand. The bird is singing worship songs to God like my dad does at church, where he is the worship leader. To me, the bird is a worship leader to all of nature. I think the bird is singing songs to worship Jesus, like “Silent Night,” “Away in a Manger,” and “Happy Day.”
In my mind, I can see that bird in a big bird church on Sunday, singing to God with all its birdy friends, listening and dancing. The bird hums its song and plays its musical leaves, which act as instruments. My dad plays the keyboard, but the bird plays the leaves. I will always remember my musical friend dancing, singing, and playing its musical leaves.
My dad might not have seen the bird, but they are similar.
Reading this reminds me that being a husband and a father is the most important thing I do. Nothing can trump showing love to my wife and kids.
Today’s prayer is, “God, help me be the person she sees in me.” It’s better that way.