EPIC in Kearney, NE
I received permission from Timothy at Foursquare Lighthouse Church in Kearney, NE to share this with you:
…I went to the Epic Camp [in Nebraska] and had a blast. The youth of our church had such a great time at camp, that by the time we got back, we were so tired all of us just fell asleep on the ride home. Since then our youth group has swelled and continues to do so every time we meet.
As of right now, we have 10 kids in our youth group, which is more than what we started with the day we went to camp. So this is saying something about what the Lord is doing in our youth and in our city. We have also started a drama team and are planning to do our first showing of it sometime. LOL.
And while I am thinking of it, my school has prayer group every Thursday — and what a miracle that God has performed in our schools as well. The very first meeting we had, we had over 35 kids, all from different churches, come to our meeting. It was the biggest meeting of kids we have ever had, and it continues with every passing week. And I am glad to say that I am this year’s leader and am very proud of that honor. So keep Kearney High in your prayers.
Isn’t that awesome?! Will you join us in praying for Timothy and what God’s doing in students’ lives in Kearney?