Tweet, Tweet! What Are You Doing?!
The first time I heard about Twitter I was thinking to myself, “Oh my gosh, this is so over-the-top!” Now, I find myself tweeting on a semi-regular basis (it’s synced up with my Facebook account). Funny how that works, huh?
It’s a pretty new phenomenon, so a lot of people probably don’t even know what “tweeting” is. From what I’ve read, though, all the geek-sociologists are saying it’s the “next big thing” — the next piece of the social networking / web 2.0 pie, so to speak.
What is Twitter? What’s it all about? I ran across this short video on Brian Eberly’s blog that explains it in pretty well…
Want to connect with me on a different level? Follow my “tweets” at Click “follow” and join me!
[…] Twittervision 3D It’s been fun following the life of my friends on Twitter. Don’t understand or know what Twitter is yet? Click here to find out. […]
[…] you don’t know what Twitter is all about, be sure to check out my first post about Twitter here. If you are new to Twitter or want to try it out, first sign up for a free username at […]
[…] Don’t know what Twitter is or what it’s about? Check out this post. […]