@ the Rally Service (12.5.07)
Just thought I’d share some of what transpired at the youth rally service tonight…
First we showed the video above, featuring Michelle Tolentino, a former Compassion-sponsored child sharing her story at the Youth Specialties National Youth Worker’s Convention a few weeks ago. It’s very touching — you really should watch it — especially if you’ve ever sponsored a child. Or maybe even more so if you have NOT (smile). It is the story of a child that would have never had the chance for hardly anything at all — if it wasn’t for others reaching out and helping her — AND the amazing new life and outreach that sprung out of this life as a result.
After watching, we challenged the students to turn the cultural bent of the holidays around from the me-centered mentality to the more Christ-centered way of giving life through outreach. Wow! I think a lot of students got it tonight. We encouraged them to get involved in the Angel Tree project, Brittany’s upcoming missions trip, and the jail outreach — all ways that our Destiny family is trying to impact the lives of others this Christmas.
For the rest of what we talked about tonight (the main theme of the night), you’ll have to check out the post we made earlier this week. We watched the video and had some very involved discussion in both groups tonight. An awesome time…
It’s been great seeing the room next to mine fill up with gifts for those less fortunate this week. Looking forward to seeing more coming in the weeks that follow. What a picture of God’s hand working in the lives of those in the Destiny family. Very beautiful.