The Living Room Costume Party
I’ve been volunteering at our church’s youth group, called The Living Room, for about a year now. My time is pretty limited as is my level of involvement. I pretty much show up on Wednesday nights (after everything’s set up), help with small group discussions, occasionally lead worship, and jump in on team meetings whenever I can. I try and do it every week that I’m in town and the team and students have become somewhat like a Life Group to me. It’s been an excellent ministry to be involved in. We love our Hillside Church family.
Last night, the team planned a beginning-of-the-school-year costume party. I dressed up in black make-up, trying to recreate Adam “Glambert” from the infamous 2009 Elevation Talent Show (videos of that here, here, and here). But without Deanna to help out, this is what I ended up looking like…
Cynthia and Autumn dressed up as “each other” and Cynthia somehow ended up winning the big costume prize of the night: $100 dollars towards the group’s youth convention in October. She was pretty excited about that. The two adult leaders that were voted best and worst costumes of the night, Pastor Kyle and Brett, were rewarded with whipped cream pies to the face. You’ll see that in super slow motion in the video below. You’ll also see the girls and I going through a fast food drive-thru and the reaction from the window attendant. Too funny!