So You Can Love the Good Days Even More…

I love watching family movies with the littles.

It brings the kid out in me. I love to laugh at the goofy things they laugh at and watch their faces light up. It does this father-heart good. Love it!

Today I discovered Denver’s chain of “cheap” theaters and decided it would be fun to take them all out for the evening. We watched Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day and loved it…

It was a great follow-up to Pastor Chad’s message today on being thankful in the storms and looking for the miraculous in the aftermath. Alexander says in the arc of the movie, “You gotta have the bad days so you can love the good days even more.”

Now I wouldn’t say that I would necessarily mark the past four years of my family’s life as a storm, but it has felt like a bit of a tidal wave of transition after transition. Lots of big changes for the Shoup’s, including: leaving our church family and ministry role of almost 10 years, Deanna being a full-time medical school student, my adjusting to being a stay-at-home dad, 3 new jobs for me during that span, school and friend transitions for the kids, 4 new homes in 4 years, and family health issues — it’s been quite the journey. And there were times that we definitely all felt the weight of it.

Looking back on it now, though, and seeing where everyone has landed, I can see His hand on us through it all.

And, honestly, now that we are done with major transitions for a while — for the foreseeable future — these past few months have been a breath of fresh air. I noticed that today… and I’ve been noticing this all month through NorthRock’s “hashtag your thankfulness” campaign. I’ve hardly been able to keep up with giving thanks…


Today alone, let me list just some of the things that I’m #NorthRockThankful for…

  • I love our NorthRock Church family. I technically had the weekend off but couldn’t resist attending this morning.
  • I’m thankful for Pastor Chad, who is obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This series is really hitting a nerve.
  • I’m thankful that my tweenage daughter still looks up to me, likes to have conversations with me, and still appreciates hugs and shoulder pats.
  • I’m thankful for cheap tickets to the movies.
  • I’m thankful that my two littlest love to cuddle.
  • I’m thankful for our new community in Erie. We really love it.

So anyhow, if you feel like you’re in the thick of it right now. Hold on. Ride the storm. It’ll get better. And when you come out on the other side you can love the good days even more.

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