Prayer Walk Experiences
Tonight, the Elevate students and leaders went on a half-hour prayer walk. Afterwards, we asked everyone to write down words to describe what they felt, heard, experienced, or saw through the eyes of God and their time on the prayer walk. Here are some of the responses with the names removed for privacy…
“Needy… pray for these locations and the people. I noticed that when you look around, there’s some people that need God.”
“Hi! God said that he loves us so much… He wants me to be an example to those who don’t believe by cleaning up the place — be kind to them. Love everyone as God loves me.”
“Holy…God will be with our generation. God told me to not care what people think about what I believe.”
“Pray for these people. He told me to pray for people’s jobs and he kept leading me to other subjects so he kept me going. I saw people with bad houses and jobs and they were happy the way they were, but not on the inside.”
“Fun… Lots of things to pray about like teachers, friends, family, and help for safety.”
“Cold… I seen families and it was green. I seen that not everything is useful at the time but it is helpful to the community and others.”
“That I wish I could help people.”
“Relaxing… God doesn’t talk to me — in other words — nothing”
“I had a hard time reading this one. He is praying for some kind of construction. God is saying to me ‘high leveled’, ‘high in every way’, ‘high on my list’, ‘high level graduate’.”
“That one part where we were walking looked poor and the other was richer and I wish we could of helped the poorer.”
“Uneasy… I felt like there was a heavy air over the place. When I was praying, all that came to mind was just blessing the places we walked and the people we passed. It was good , but kinda uneasy.”
“Off the beaten path — I felt like God, who continually pushes me past my comfort zone, used me to help push others forward. The students I walked with were a good fit, they were eager for a new experience, but were also really ‘fresh’ as Christians. I think God was reminding me to not always take the safe way and be with the people who make me comfortable.”
“Families… I felt that families, single parents and homeless people were just, like, really on my heart. For awhile now, especially single moms have been on my heart. So it was really cool to go out and do some active praying.”
“Strongholds… I prayed for people gambling at the casino and the families affected by the addiction. I saw a satelite dish and prayed against pronographic addictions and prayed that as they were flipping channels, a Christian station would catch their attention and something would minister to them. I saw beer bottles and liquor bottles and cigarette packs and prayed against those addictions.”
“Emotional… God told me to pray for my friends and family, also the families that lived in the houses that had beer bottles on the ground because maybe that family has an alcoholic in the family.”
“Hope to the hopeless… As we were walking by the Social Services and Department of Corrections, I prayed for God to strategically place workers into those places to be beacons of light.”
“I kept praying that the people we passed would come to know God and run to him when they need help. OH, and they’ll come to Destiny!!!!”
“Fresh/Newness/Beginning…Construction-building up new, new life springing up from the old.”