“My Generation” by Josh James Riebock


Title: My Generation
By: Josh James Riebock
Publisher: Baker Books
222 pages | soft cover | $14.99

This is the most honest book I have read in a long time. Josh’s writing style reminds me of Donald Miller in his “Blue Like Jazz” book. “My Generation” is a book filled with numerous stories in a unified theme; more-so than just one continuous story line. The focus of these real-life stories is on the Millennial Generation or “Gen-Y”. Josh gives us a broad, sweeping glance into both his life and the lives of many that he has come across in his time as a youth pastor, member, and friend of this generation.

What is it that the Generation Y – the teenagers in our student ministries – are thinking and feeling when it comes to the church and Christianity? Why are they graduating from youth group and leaving the church? Why are they feeling disenfranchised? What’s at the core of their emotional make-up and how do we respond and reach out to them? These are several of the questions that were brought to light in a very unique and fresh way through Josh’s writing.

I love the approach that this book takes. I think everyone wanting to reach or impact the Millennial Generation should pick this one up. It’s inspiring, thought provoking, passionate, raw, engaging, and challenging. My copy is filled with earmarks that I plan on going back to and reading again.  Visit Josh’s web site at http://joshriebock.com for more.

– review originally written for the Foursquare Church

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