Look What We’ve Done to the World
Okay, a little preface here… I’m not so sure that we really need to be crazy-worried about a big, scary thing called global warming… on the other hand, I do believe that it is our commission from God to take care of the earth as best as we can while we are here… thusly, I like the new push towards “being green” and try to “be green” myself whenever I can. Sometimes I succeed and at other times I think that I could do a better job.
I’m reading a great fiction book by Michael Creighton right now called “State of Fear” that mixes in facts and research that argues that global warming is real, but just not something to be all that alarmed about as there are as many positive effects as negative — some say even more positive effects. Since I am not a scientist, I’ll just leave it at that, but it’s pretty convincing. It’s a fun read, too — can’t put it down.
Anyhow, I ran across this old Michael Jackson video today (below) — hmmm… Michael… there’s a whole new topic of discussion! I know everyone thinks Michael’s whack-o, but I still put him up there among some of America’s top entertainers. He’s got a lot of talent. I pray for the guy whenever I think of him. But regardless of what you think, the “Earth Song” is definitely on my list of “Top 10 Green Videos”… LOL!