I’m a Dad

When I got home from work yesterday evening, I heard news that my youngest daughter, Kella, had been talking about having a pretend wedding.  I slipped a suit coat on over my T-shirt and jean shorts and this is what ensued (a little long, but full of over-the-top CUTE)…


I love being a dad.

One of my favorite authors, Matthew Paul Turner, captured the journey of fatherhood so well on his blog this morning… (Jesus Needs New PR – view original post here)

I’m a Dad.

I’m the high-fiver. I’m the terrible dancer. I’m the funny singer.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the teeth brusher. I’m the banana peeler. I’m the time-out keeper.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the deejay. I’m the remote controller. I’m the man involved.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the capable. I’m the video recorder. I’m the snot wiper.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the lover. I’m the fall-a-sleep-on-er. I’m the book reader.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the teacher. I’m the hope reminder. I’m the boo-boo kisser.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the imperfect hero. I’m the prayer say-er. I’m the cheesy grinner.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the carrier. I’m the holder. I’m the protector.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the dreamer. I’m the cheerleader. I’m the fan who won’t sit down and shut up.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the believer. I’m the mistake maker. I’m the get-up-and-try-again-er.

I’m a Dad.

I’m the lucky one. I’m the blessed one. I’m the man who will love you no matter what.

I’m a Dad.

So blessed to be a father.  I’ll be father TIME’S FIVE any day now!  Can’t wait!

Happy Father’s Day.

(ht @jesusneedsnewpr)

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