IHOP: the Prayer Room, Not Pancakes

I was holding back posting this as I was waiting on pics and video from a few of the students who were a part of our recent senior high trip to the International House of Prayer.  (Come on guys, I’m still waiting!)  In the meantime, I did manage to grab a few cell phone pics on the trip myself… here they are…


Considering that the drive to Kansas City, MO is a 12-hour trek, we had a relatively fun, easy ride.  Hanna F. and Tina L. came along to help drive and made it so easy and “quick”.  The kids watched movies and listened to their mp3 players for most of the trip — very rarely all sleeping (which surprised me).


Considering our tight budget (gas prices are high, if you hadn’t noticed), we still had a lot of good food on this trip… and a lot of great conversation around our meal times.


This was the first pic I snapped upon our arrival at the IHOP prayer base.  That first couple hours were some of the most moving of the whole three days for me, personally.  God was really downloading some stuff into a few of our students specifically, and even used me to write a few things down on paper to speak directly to them.  The things that God was doing, right from the start, excited the students enough to really rally around the next full day of being in the prayer room.  God is SO faithful!


Sam H. and I toured FMA (IHOP’s “Forerunner Music Academy”) and FSM (IHOP’s “Forerunner School of Ministry”) while we were there.  Sam has pretty much decided that he wants to enter into one of these programs and possibly the One Thing Internship Program — or maybe even more accurate: a mix of all three.


Our full day @ IHOP was long, but incredibly meaningful and fun.  God spoke into all of our lives in very different ways, but was so present throughout the whole trip — whether in the prayer room, the coffee shop, or late night discussions in the parking lot.  There was a healing and deliverance seminar going on while we were there and we were treated to an Encountering God service with Mike Bickle and Allen Hood and an AMAZING worship set with Justin Rizzo.  We were told that we needed to be there at 5:00 PM to get a seat for the 6:00 PM service, and they were right.  The place was packed the whole time we were there.


You can see a bit of a slouch on everyone in this pic, taken at our lunch stop in Sioux Falls on the way home. I hope to be posting more soon!

All the trip pics can be seen here.

0 thoughts on “IHOP: the Prayer Room, Not Pancakes

  1. Amy

    Shawn in that one pic with me ali and steph i have dicovered the dress barn you can see it on my face lol

  2. Shawn M. S.

    Yup, I think I caught you “in the moment”. LOL!

  3. Lori B.

    I am so glad you guys had a good time! Isn’t IHOP great? Sam I am excited to hear you want to go there for school! Awesome! I am looking forward to seing where God takes all of you in the near future!

  4. Solomon Buckley

    IHOP is a great place.
    Glad you guys were able to come..

  5. Elevate Student Ministries in 2008 « elevating a generation

    […] Senior High IHOP Trip: pics, video, and Steph’s […]

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