Heart of a Champion

Every year around this time we start thinking of what we can share with our seniors who are going to be graduating out of student ministry and into a new part of their lives (that still “fits” and speaks into the lives of all our students attending). This is the last chance that Deanna and I get to speak into their lives in this special way. With that in mind, we are starting the “Heart of a Champion” message series.

The heart is at the center of our faith. The Bible says that the quality of our heart determines what we say and how we act. The reflections of our heart shows whether or not we truly have embraced Jesus’ teachings and reveal the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In this series, we want to dig into that core of our faith, into some principles that really guide how students grow and mature as believers. There are a lot of parts to being a Christian, but when it comes to qualities that we want to see students developing, these four stand out as essentials:

– A heart for OTHERS
– A heart for SPIRITUAL CHANGE (direction from the Holy Spirit)
– A heart for SERVING OTHERS

Our hope and prayer is that, as students begin to develop these qualities, their lives would be changed, and their hearts would reflect the joy and confidence that comes from knowing their purpose and choosing Christ’s path.

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