Headache and Back Update
I haven’t posted a health update since December, so now’s the time…
The long and short of it, I started to have some very severe, debilitating headaches in early November. I’ve been to four or five doctors/specialist since then to try and figure out the cause. It seems as though for some reason I have a couple of vertebrae on the top and on the bottom of my spine that keep slipping out of place. When they do… severe head pain. OUCH! I can’t do anything without pain pills when it gets at it’s worst. Very painful.
Since January I’ve been working with a physical therapist to strengthen the muscles in my back. I do a routine on a roll/tube twice a day. It seems to really help when the pain starts creeping up my spine. My insurance coverage ran out on PT two weeks ago and my physical therapist, Doctor Larry Kopriva, was gracious enough to work really hard to get me on a home routine. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been doing about 50/50. Half of those days I was able to survive without any pain pills at all; the others I was able to get through with just one. Not bad, considering I was up to 2 or 3 pain pills a day when I was at my worst.
At present, my back is still pretty tender and I’m moving around a bit like an “old man”. In fact, Doctor Kopriva told me to pretend that I had an “old man’s back” until I got to feeling better. That’s not very hard to do; I already feel that way on most days. It’s been tough to deal with considering all of the home improvement tasks we’ve been doing lately.
I’m hoping to get back to 100% soon. I’m starting to try and add a 15-to-20 minute exercise routine at least every other day, too. Five months of this has been WAY too long.
Thanks MUCH for your prayers and concern. It means so much to me!
will keep you in special prayer Pastor Shawn.. Pain is never a good thing, but God is still the One who can heal you. Keep praying and ask Him to give you His peace thru all oif the pain, and continue to thank Him for your healing in advance, even before all pain is gone. Remember, He loves you and so do a lot of people. You are a blessing and God will be Your healer an comforter.
I kmow at times when i have been in pain, i kept singing that song..You are the God that Healeth me, You are the Lord my healer, etc….. Liz bellomo
Thanx Liz. I'm agreeing with you for a quick and full recovery. 🙂