Feeling Faint
I gave blood today. It was the first time in years; the last two times I almost passed out, and I’ve been a little nervous since. Deanna has always been faithful to donate regularly, and she encouraged me to give it another try today. Well, I made it through and felt fine all the way through… then, I got up to sit out the suggested 15-minute waiting period. I picked up a newspaper and started to read. It wasn’t long before I could barely sit up, let alone read the newspaper. Deanna noticed that I looked pale (and troubled) and got the nurses to put me back in one of the chairs where they could put my legs up. I felt faint-headed and nauseous for the next four or five hours. I’m finally starting to feel like myself again. Whew!
I don’t know what my body doesn’t like about donating blood, but I’m not giving up. I will try it in a couple of months to see if I can get any better at this!