Big Family Announcement

Yesterday afternoon, Deanna and I found out that an offer we made on a “house” was accepted! I say “house” – quotation marks – because, in all reality, the building that we are going to purchase is a church building, and very much looks like it from the outside. We’ve been affectionately calling it the “Church House” since then. Deanna and I looked at it initially as a kind of business idea that has been floating around in D’s head, but when we saw the inside we immediately fell in love with it – and so did Bella and Kella, who were along with us when we first visited.

I don’t want to say too much more (or offer any pics or video) until all the paperwork is official, but here’s a quick look at how the girls responded last night when Deanna told them. I was at a volunteer youth leaders meeting, but was so excited about it that I didn’t want the girls to have to wait for me to hear the awesome news!

One thought on “Big Family Announcement

  1. The Big House | elevating a generation

    […] about the “church house”, which we even made a family announcement video for [watch it here]. We actually signed papers on it for purchase but were let out of the agreement after appraisers […]

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